Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Sound of Traditional Japanese Music

Today, I went to a music concert event in my city, Gifu. It was for the Gifu Culture Festival, and one of the English teachers from my high school gave me two extra tickets ( how sweet of her<3)!
The music was beautiful. Traditional Japanese instrumental music was played with instruments  like the Tsuri-daiko drum, the shakuhachi flute, and string instruments such as koto and shamisen. For more information on traditional Japanese instruments and music you can click on this website: The songs played sounded so perfect  and people of all ages, elderly people and small children, were playing the songs. You can tell they had spent much time practicing because everything went perfectly which made it sound so beautiful, I loved it. It was a new,different type of music for me.
 Photos were not allowed to be taken, but I managed to sneak these few. Sorry Japan, I needed some pictures!

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